Saturday, November 24, 2012

St. Monica Students Do College Level Drawing Skills

One of the best ways to train your hand-eye coordination is through drawing a still life.  Student from nearly every grade have been working on still lives this week.  Depending on the grade level, we have been looking at placement of items, composition, shading, value, size, proportion and much more.  I really enjoy doing this with the students.

St. Monica Middle Schoolers Study Ben Heine's Drawings

This is probably one of my favorite projects of the year.  Ben Heine is an artist that takes a picture or magazine image and inserts a drawing into them.  Students were presented with this challenge and I loved how these turned out.  They make me laugh every time I look at them.  Way to go middle school!

Kudwa's 1st Grade Family Portraits

Kudwa's class was working so hard on their family portraits.  I love how each student has their own style and mark.  They are really improving in their drawing abilities.  I am proud of you 1st grade!

2nd and 3rd Graders Create Onomatopoeia Comics

St. A and St. M students have been working so hard the past couple weeks on creating their own comics.  They have designed the characters, layout, wording....everything!  I am so impressed with the level of creativity and drive from the students.  They are putting fourth top quality work.  Keep it up!

Mounce's 3rd Grade Incredible Zentangle Designs

Look at how intricate these designs are!  St. A's outstanding 3rd graders have been working on Zentangle designs.  This is a relaxing form of art where you really focus on pattern in an advanced form.  Students sit quietly and let their designs instincts take over.  I was amazed at how focussed they were.  Nice work 3rd grade!

St. A 4th Graders Field Trip to the West Michigan Glass Art Center

Wow!  Was this a cool field trip or what?  Students were able to learn and see how to blow glass.  Two glass blowing artists from the Glass Center were teaching our students the basic terminology and procedures.  They also tied in a science twist which was great where students learned about different states of matter and gravity.  We had an outstanding time!  Thank you again West Michigan Glass Art Center!

Here is their website if you are interested in taking classes!